Sunday, December 14, 2014

Giant Pandas

A panda is a type of bear sometimes referred to a panda bear.

There is only 1600 giant pandas left in the world. a pandas diet is 99% bamboo 1% apples.they are very distinctive because they have black ears,nose,arms and legs the rest is white. they might look very cuddly but a baby panda is probably stronger then you.They usually mate between march to may.there is 600 in reserves 1000 in the wild.A panda normally eats 12 hours a day.pandas are ofenly eating very relaxed with there legs stretched out .they look very lazy but really there good swimmers and great climbers.

There a mammal they way about 300lb or 136kg They 4ft to 5ft tall.A panda takes 28 pounds (12.5 kilograms) of bamboo a day.They live in the high mountains of china which is about 13000 feet,3960 meters.You adopt this animal with WWF. I have why dont you :)

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