Wednesday, November 23, 2016

How To Make Cool Pet ID Tags

handmade pet tags

Here's a cool DIY (do it yourself) guide I found over one of my favorite blogs. I am sure many pet owners will love!

Guide: How to make a simple pet ID tag at home

Tired of buying new pet ID tags for your dog or cat? Don't you like the ones available for purchase? Maybe you want something more personal or special? If yes, then follow the simple steps to make your very own, unique dog tag for your little buddy. The process is very quick and will take just a few minutes of your time.

All items needed for this project are simple and can be found in most households. If you don't have these materials just go to wallmart or something and buy them. 5 bucks will be more than enough to make a handful of tags:
  • Printing paper 
  • Printer (go to a friend if you don't have one)
  • Scissors
  • Jump rings 
  • Sticker roll

Now, the first thing you wanna do is find a cool picture, emoji or something else you want to be on the id tag. The options are limitless. You can put a fancy logo, a catch-phrase or whatever. Or you can make a combination, like a cool image along with your pet's name in 3D text. There are many online free tools that can help you with that. Just do some googling.

Once you are done it's time to open the image-logo-whatever with MS Paint (or anyother picture editing software) and add the basic details about your pet. Name, contact number and adress are more than enough. Don't forget to experiment with the various fonts if you want to get even better results. Now it's time to print your project. It might come up too big or too small. Just resize it until you get the proper...size. 

Use your scisors (or a cutter) and cut the paper. Now dress the piece of paper with sticker roll. This will make it water proof and more durable to time. Now just  put a jump ring around the paper and your very DYI pet tag is ready for use!

very cool pet tags

Did you try to make a dog tag using the guide above? How did it come out? Post a picture or leave a comment :)

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