Sunday, December 14, 2014


Tigers are in the cat family these cats really like swimming strangely they are black striped the rest is orange. they do not like to get hot and if they do they go sit in rivers,streams,lakes,ect.

They are the biggest in the cat family they can run up to 40 mph.they usually hunt alone at night time. Tigers, lions, leopards, and jaguars are the only four cats that can roar. A tiger can roar from 2 km away.In zoo's Tigers live to about 25 years but in the wild the average age is 10 years.

The Tiger is not a fast runner and like most cats it stalks silently towards its prey. One bite in the throat or the back of the neck is enough to kill a deer. Tigers roar to defend its territory or to call its mate or cubs.The collective name for a group of Tigers is a streak.

And here's a photo of an albino tiger

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